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Hi, I’m Shani

I’m the host of A Single Serving Podcast and the author of A Single Revolution. I’m changing the narrative around being single, because so far it’s had pretty bad PR. I’m not an advocate for singlehood. I’m an advocate for women feeling good while single—there’s a difference.

What they say about my work

Does Being Single Make You Feel Lonely? (Or Just Embarrassed?)

Does Being Single Make You Feel Lonely? (Or Just Embarrassed?)

We live in a world where being single is sold to us from day one as a negative. So it’s not shocking that we never really stop to ask ourselves why we’re trying so hard to not be single anymore. I’m asking us all to take a look at how being single really makes us feel. What’s at the root of our motivation to find a partner? Is it a drive for companionship, and if so is that drive the most important thing ever, such that we’re willing to put up with anything that’s involved in finding it? Or is there shame and embarrassment that’s motivating us, too? (It’s okay if there is, you’re not wrong, and you’re not alone.)

I get into this in depth on Medium, here.

Stop “Teaching” Women How To Deal With Dating

Stop “Teaching” Women How To Deal With Dating

Podcast Episode: Reaching For The Same Avocado

Podcast Episode: Reaching For The Same Avocado