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Hi, I’m Shani

I’m the host of A Single Serving Podcast and the author of A Single Revolution. I’m changing the narrative around being single, because so far it’s had pretty bad PR. I’m not an advocate for singlehood. I’m an advocate for women feeling good while single—there’s a difference.

What they say about my work

Why Do You Like Guns?

Originally published in May 2022.

Why do you like guns? Like…this much. Of all the things I don’t understand about the ivy of insanity that’s steadily coating our country like a building facade, I genuinely don’t understand how people can love a thing that’s not alive this much. It’s the attachment for me. I have never been so consumed and enamored by a physical object that children and elderly dying in screaming fear and immense pain felt less important than my right to possess it. No one should bleed out for any of my favorite things, just my two cents.

Seriously? Does this even track for you? If there’s anything left, any logic, sanity, intelligence, or soul inside yourself, put them on the phone because I’m desperate to talk to them. I’m desperate to snap even one mind out of the hold that these fucking ridiculous, unnecessary objects have on the only country I can live in legally.

Is it freedom? Y’all seem to like that word. But it’s only one kind of freedom that turns you on, isn’t it? Just the freedom to hurt others and avoid inconvenience to yourself. To hold cold, violent metal in your hand, extending your penis to the heavens. Any other sort of freedom or autonomy, such as the right for women to make decisions about their own futures, that’s all liberal shit, right? The only place you defend your independence to the point of ignoring grieving parents after one weak-ass sympathy tweet is your freedom to pull a trigger whenever and at whoever you please. Me having the freedom to stay healthy by everyone wearing a fucking mask in Target, or the freedom for me to have consensual sex without risking jail time while the man who put me at risk by ejaculating worries about nothing at all? No. You have the right to control the freedoms I like, but I can’t say shit about yours and I need to get the fuck off your lawn, too.

It can’t be the pro-life thing, not with all the 21st trimester abortions that literally just happened and won’t stop your big gun people party in Houston this weekend. You won’t even hesitate before packing your witty little Etsy tee shirts that totally own the libs, will you?

Is it strength? Do you feel like guns make you stronger? Are they compensating for a right hook that never did enough damage to satiate your ego? Can I ask though…why the fuck do you need to be this strong? Have aliens actually invaded? Is there a force attacking humans that’s somehow…stronger than humans? Because I don’t see y’all living near like…bears and honestly I’m confused abut why you need this much fucking power. You’re like mad kings, thousands of you. How you’re never even embarrassed enough to have more sense astounds me.

Maybe it’s religion. Those Christian values that were always held over my Jewish head as the “correct” way to live a life and raise a family. Good, wholesome Christian values that want you to defend your good, wholesome American family with things protected by the 2nd Amendment but forbidden to use by the 6th Commandment. We’re just ignoring that one I guess, twisting an ancient religion used thousands of years ago as a tool to promote an orderly, thriving society now largely unnecessary beyond finding connection to community due to a variety of modern advancements and structures. Now you wield your religion, ironically perhaps, like a weapon to suit whatever needs make people who lack a real center feel purposeful and correct. Y’all believe he’s coming back, right? Do you think your behavior is what He intended, what he’ll be proud to see? Because I don’t. In fact, I cannot wait to die just to rat you out. Best believe I’m going to tell your Father and your ass is grass when he gets home.

Are they fun? Is that it? You’ve just never felt anything like it, I bet! People just don’t get it if they’ve never pulled a trigger before! Spending the day at a gun range, imagining that piece of paper hanging there is a real threat instead of a waste of a tree’s life makes you feel so good, doesn’t it? Guns bring you joy, don’t they? Your personal, individual pleasure over a family being whole this coming Christmas. What exemplary values you have, you beacon of American pride.

Has anyone ever actually attacked you? Ever genuinely threatened to “come for your family,” or whatever other made-up scenarios you love to fantasize about because you think that’s when you could use your gun without getting arrested? Has there ever been a real threat to you or your people that exists in balance with dead children? Or are you defending a toy you happen to love by using imaginary scenarios to justify its need while politicians take advantage of how stupid and lemming-like you are to raise enough money to stay in power? You’re not even listening to me, are you? If dead children didn’t do it ten years ago why on earth would you give a shit now? I’m just some liberal who doesn’t love her country because she’d prefer kids that people chose to have live safely inside it.

I think you’re playing pretend. I think you want to be soldiers, but only when no one’s fighting you back. You want the cool, badass parts but not the responsibility. I think you like gear and armor and weapons the same way kids love a box of dress up clothes and you make me sick to my stomach. It would be transparent and pathetic as fuck if not for all the IRL murder caused by your imaginary fantasies.

What kind of man walks the halls of a school decorated in kids’ poster projects like he’s clearing a basement in Call Of Duty? What fucking animal did your rhetoric raise? Does he make you proud? Big, tough guy gunning down the threat of a six year old in a Frozen tee-shirt, defending his country, his rights and freedoms. At war with a child who just learned how to write the letter “g.” What does he actually feel every time he pulls the trigger and demolishes a family’s future? And why, for the love of the god y’all keep bringing into things, can’t the rest of you feel how evil, insane, and simply unnecessary all of this shit really is? But no, you go ahead and attend your gun festival and “cold dead hands” high five each other while a town plans more kid funerals in a week than it’s had in years. Empathy for others never feels as good as a gun against your hip I guess.

I just think you like ’em, that’s all. You prefer having them in your life over not having them. Your preferences are what’s determining the safety of elementary school classrooms and grocery store aisles, you revolting, embarrassing abomination. You should be ashamed of yourself. How is your lack of shame failing so deeply that children are dying and things only get more dangerous for them afterward? Your love of something useless is killing a country. And I bet you won’t even notice until something resembling a consequence happens to each of you individually. I wonder how long that will take, but I know for sure kids who want to simply grow up don’t have that kind of time.

I know shame, intimately. I am ashamed of what the world sees when it looks at people in my country. Remember the world? That place that exists beyond your front door you selfish shit? Because it doesn’t see a difference between you and me, we’re all just Americans to them. But there is a difference. We are extremely different people because you see guns as your right, and I see guns as ridiculous. But I believe in people, even soulless shells like you. I believe in good—and I believe that good always wins. Unfortunately, good often takes its time, and in our country’s case far too much fucking time and that bit’s for the liberals reading this by the way. Good always wins, it will win over you, but my heart is broken, if not shredded entirely, for what we’ve lost, and will keep losing, along the way. All because you like your guns.

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