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Hi, I’m Shani

I’m the host of A Single Serving Podcast and the author of A Single Revolution. I’m changing the narrative around being single, because so far it’s had pretty bad PR. I’m not an advocate for singlehood. I’m an advocate for women feeling good while single—there’s a difference.

What they say about my work

Lacy Phillips Is Why I'm Not Freaking Out Right Now

Lacy Phillips Is Why I'm Not Freaking Out Right Now

I’m a Lacy Phillips person. If you are also a Lacy Phillips person, you know what this means. If you’re not, you’ll either keep reading and find what I have to say interesting, or if you’re like I used to be, you’ll get about another paragraph or two down, roll your eyes, and return to scrolling on Twitter. It’s your choice, based on where you’re at in your life, and it has nothing to do with where I’m at in mine. I didn’t always understand things like this, but now I have a much stronger grasp of where we’re all coming from. What I’m saying is, I’m no longer offended by my website’s bounce rate. You can leave if you want, but if I were you…I’d keep going. 

Lacy Phillips operates a website called To Be Magnetic that contains workshops and tools designed to help people manifest everything they want into their lives by becoming completely authentic, whole, magnetic beings. In prior iterations of myself, that would have sounded bullshitty. But on January 26th, 2019 I began doing Lacy Phillips’ work, and my life is now entirely unrecognizable to the person that I was the day before. In a good way. In a great way. 

Yes, I signed up for To Be Magnetic because manifesting an awesome job and a romantic relationship and new friends and maybe an apartment that wasn’t a hellhole all sounded super nice to me. But the reason I have continued to do her work for the last 15 months is that what I’ve actually manifested is a better life. From top to bottom, my life is better. It is a life I am proud to live, one that I look forward to continuing to live. I am now capable of being calm, trusting, and okay even during an actual global pandemic. The old me would be losing her shit.

The crux of what Lacy Phillips’ work allowed me to improve was the overall way I show up in the world and interact with it. The workshops and mediations I do every morning are helping me to identify old, limiting beliefs I picked up throughout my childhood that are inauthentic to who I am. For example, if I learned that I would be corrected or reprimanded for getting upset and expressing how I feel whenever something bothered me, I’m then going to become an adult who is always terrified to tell people the truth for fear of repercussions. Worst still, I’ll be afraid to tell myself the truth, too. That’s an old, limiting way of thinking and behaving, and through Lacy Phillips’ work I’ve “reprogrammed” that limiting belief to learn that I can express the truth of how I feel, and everything will be okay afterward. Beyond that, if anyone no longer wants to be around me because I told the truth, they’re most likely someone I don’t need around me at all.

I am learning that I am worthy of being myself, worthy of having what I want, and demanding of life everything that I deserve without feeling bad for wanting or even just for thinking I’m worthy in the first place. I’m not playing small anymore, trying to take up as little space as possible so as not to offend. My existence is not offensive. My existence doesn’t have to be tolerated or validated by others. My existence is mine, and fuck you if you think I should exist less. Essentially, I’m trying to restore myself to factory settings, and I’ve got to tell’s working. 

In old versions of me, the only thing that mattered was having a good, impressive, upwardly mobile job, because that’s the only way I knew how to communicate to others that I was successful. It was the only way I knew to make other people proud of me, and other people’s pride was how I got positive attention as a kid. I had to do something amazing to get affection, it wasn’t just casually given. What I was always really meant to be was an independent writer, but growing up I learned that a writer was a shameful thing to be, because they didn’t make money. So I spent a decade trying to be something that would make other people proud of me, never once trying to make me proud of myself. I was being inauthentic, and thus wasn’t manifesting what I wanted into my life. Like...ever. From 2008-2018 I had a series of punishing, cruel, increasingly miserable jobs. Because they were never jobs that were authentic to me. 

Now I’m a freelance writer, and I’m happier than I’ve ever been, even though I don’t have a once-sentence, impressive thing to say to people when they ask me, “What do you do?” I care more about how I feel and experience my own life and work every day than about how easy it is to understand how successful I am. I don’t care what other people think of my success, I care about what success feels like to me. More importantly, I care about the day-to-day journey toward all of my professional success, because I know it won’t matter if I didn’t also love every day of the journey to get there. 

As a result of old thought patterns and beliefs, I was always afraid of money. Always afraid of not having money, running out of money, etc., it was a constant stressor and fear and even when I had a full time job, I was perpetually afraid of destitution. Now, through my manifestation work, I’ve shown myself that the future, and my financial future specifically, doesn’t have to be this big scary thing to fear. I trust that I am both capable of earning a living as a writer and deserving of everything I want, which certainly includes the ability to keep a roof over my head. Even better, I know that I deserve more than just any roof. I don’t live in a hellhole anymore. 

The old version of me would have never moved apartments, because a new apartment would be more expensive. And I couldn’t ever do anything for myself that was more expensive than anything I was doing at present, because more expensive was bad. More expensive just meant I would run out of money faster. I was trapping myself inside a prison of fear of the future and I am so grateful that Lacy Phillips’ work came into my life so that I could release myself from it. Looking forward to your own future instead of fearing it is a gift you give yourself. And it’s worth every penny, certainly worth what Lacy Phillips charges every month.

Without this work, I’d be terrified right now. I’d wake up every day in fear never knowing where my next dollar would come from. I’d be worried about freelance work drying up, worried that new opportunities would never come along. I’d be fearful that I wouldn’t be able to pay my bills. I wouldn’t have put so much effort into building a savings account (aka a fuck-you fund) in 2019 and thusly would probably be in a bit of trouble right now. But I’m not. Because I did the work, I reprogrammed the limiting beliefs. And now I wake up every morning and I do work I love, because I want to, not because I’m afraid of my own bills.

Through Lacy Phillips’ work, and additional books and teachings that have come into my life as a result (read Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss right this second), I no longer see the future as something to fear. I see it only as more learning, more experiencing, and more aligning with who I authentically am, which further brings everything I want—my manifestations—to me. I have moved from a life ruled by fear and shame into one driven by possibility, joy, and trust. 

The calm comes from knowing that I’m not the captain of the ship of my life, I’m a student in the school of my life. Everything teaches me, and helps me align with my most authentic, magnetic version of myself. I can let go, and I can trust that what’s happening now, and what’s coming in the future, is all part of an incredible education—and that the manifestations I want come along with it. Doing this work gives me the calm and confidence I need right now. I don’t care if it sounds like bullshit to others, because it never feels like bullshit to me. I’ve seen too much good come from this work to think otherwise.

It’s hard to tell someone to do Lacy Phillips’ work. You connect with it when you’re ready. For example, someone told me about it six months before I actually visited her website, and I don’t even remember the conversation. I just wasn’t ready then, but last January I was, and the version of me that has come into being since is one that looks forward to experiencing life, and sees a quiet calmness in a time of global chaos. I know that everything is going to be okay, because I’m going to live an authentic life full of self worth in the meantime. If you’d like to do the same, here’s how.

If you’d like to sign up for To Be Magnetic, you can use my link for 15% off here. This post was originally published on April 27th, 2020. My affiliate link was added here in January of 2023. I earn a commission from this link.

If you’d like to read more about my experience with Lacy’s work, you can read more here and here.

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