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Hi, I’m Shani

I’m the host of A Single Serving Podcast and the author of A Single Revolution. I’m changing the narrative around being single, because so far it’s had pretty bad PR. I’m not an advocate for singlehood. I’m an advocate for women feeling good while single—there’s a difference.

What they say about my work

11 Things Every Single Girl Should Buy On Prime Day

11 Things Every Single Girl Should Buy On Prime Day

By the time Prime Day rolls around my cart looks like it was stocked by a responsible adult, a psychopath, and an eight year old all working in perfect unison. It’s easy to think about this midsummer deals affair as a time to scoop up all the crap you’ve had hiding in your cart for months, but I also think it’s a great time for single women to acquire a few life quality-additive items at excellent prices.

Shoutouts to anyone who works for Amazon in those warehouses, your jobs are insanely demanding and I hope you’re paid and treated well. One quick note: I have absolutely no idea if these items will be on additional sale on Prime Day, but I do know they’re all pretty sweet deals—and smart single buys—right now.

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The Backup Shirt

The Backup Shirt. When I worked in an office, during the summer I’d keep a “backup outfit” at my desk or hiding in a closet in case I got too gross and sweaty and no longer looked professional. It happens. Now, when I leave the house to go to Manhattan for meetings I stuff a backup outfit into my tote. Yes, I have actually had to use these costume changes. This shirt less than $18 and is absolutely perfect for when you need to throw on something crisp and polished but most importantly clean. I get it in white because it will work with whatever bottoms I’m inevitably wearing, and also the look of an oversized (I buy an XL) shirt atop a pair of shorts for weekends is one of my favorites. Buy it on Amazon.

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The Cheap Indulgence

The Cheap Indulgence. I subscribe to Amazon’s Facetory sheet mask subscription box (yes, this dream exists) and of all the masks they’ve sent me, this one is very much my favorite. The mask is the richest, creamiest one I’ve ever tried, much more luxurious than some of the more serum-y masks. The scent is also really calming so it’s a great evening routine option. This is your night-in, Netflix on, comfy pants only sheet mask, I’m telling you. At less than $8 for five of these babies, I highly suggest you give yourself this absolute treat. Buy it on Amazon.

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The Schmata

The Schmata. In my family, schmata translates loosely from Yiddish into “house dress.” This flowy garment clocks in at less than $20 and comes in 24 colors. The dress has pockets for your keys when you run downstairs to get the mail and hope you don’t see anyone because you’re not wearing a bra, and I do actually own this dress so can vouch for its fabric comfy-ness. It means you get to float about your home in clothing that doesn’t actually touch your body and if this recent heat is any indication of how my summer’s gonna go, I’ll take seven. Buy it on Amazon.


Knife Sharpener

A Knife Sharpener. I feel a bit like your mother telling you get one of these things, but in my opinion is the smartest $5.45 (yes that’s all it costs) a single woman can spend. Dull knives are dangerous! The last thing you need is slicing your hand open with no one around to assist and you’re trying to app yourself a Lyft to the hospital while bleeding all over the hardwood because you didn’t take proper care of your cutlery. Keep your knives sharp and pay close attention while chopping. Stay safe out there. Buy it on Amazon.

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Good Salt

Good Salt. The fastest way to go from “have to” eat alone to “get to” eat alone is really, really good salt. If you are still messing around with a grocery store grinder of some kind, toss it into the recycle bin and get a box of this stuff. I keep mine in a little bowl above my stove and sprinkle it during cooking to season and after cooking to finish. It is a completely different culinary world and it’s my favorite way to live a little more luxuriously for less than $6. Buy it on Amazon.

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The Travel Lock

The Travel Lock. Solo travelers need to keep safety top of mind, we just do. As creepy as it is to even acknowledge the need for a lock on top of an already locked door, I’m honestly really into this. You’ll want to practice using it at home, and give your hotel or Airbnb door a few practice tries as well, just so you’re comfortable removing it in case of an emergency, but for less than $20 this thing takes up very little suitcase room (making way for more French beauty products what?) and gives you so much peace of mind. Buy it on Amazon.

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The Travel Safe

The Travel Safe. Along similar lines, I love traveling with my laptop but I feel like I’m rolling the dice every time I leave it in my hotel room with its minimal and extremely predictable hiding spots. This very highly rated travel safe affixes around the bathroom sink or toilet and secures your valuables while you wander around museums and eat good bread. It’s important to get this larger size if your laptop is one of your main concerns, this brand makes several and they don’t all fit a laptop. One of the pricier items on this list, but you know what costs more? Replacing a laptop. Buy it on Amazon.

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The Guest Bed

The Guest Bed. I love having a guest bed. I love knowing that any time I want I can have friends come stay and there’s an actual bed available to them rather than my cat-scratched love seat couch. As a single woman, I can’t afford an apartment with an extra room, so I keep one of these ($50 or so) inflatable beds around for out-of-town guests or for when I need my friend Conor to come keep me company while I move and I’m super stressed out. The pump is built into the bed and it comes with a little tote bag you store it in. We don’t have sleepovers enough anymore if you ask me. Buy it on Amazon.


The Not-Themed Cookbook

The Not-Themed Cookbook. I want you to buy a cookbook, but don’t you dare buy a “cookbook for one.” F that. Buy a cookbook that is entirely unthemed, and entirely delicious just for the hell of it. I have both of Chrissy Teigen’s cookbooks and have eaten WELL as a result. Her Everything Bagel Breakfast Casserole is the food of the Gods. The Gods of Carbs. Anyway, make yourself something delicious just because. You deserve it. Freeze the leftovers. Buy it on Amazon.

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Something Handy

Something Handy. One thing I really love about single women is our resourcefulness. Gadgets are by far the most fun part of being resourceful. Shoutout to all of us who own a drill. If you’re not ready for power tools though, I love having a multi-tool around for all the little fix-its, and this one is ALSO a flashlight so we get to feel like Inspector Gadget essentially. Buy it on Amazon.


The Fun Read.

The Fun Read: I’ve found that as a single woman it’s really easy for me to fall down the self help/mind-expanding book wormhole. Sometimes you just want to read something fun, and for me that generally means a memoir belonging to a woman I’d like to go to brunch with. Enter Parker Posey, try and tell me this book doesn’t look like a good time. Buy it on Amazon.

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